Happy Black History Month! Let’s show each other some love.


Happy Black History Month! Plume-ers, it is imperative that we honor the contributions of people of African descent and people of color to to world. Yes, we are all one as the human race however there is no denying that one portion of our story is placed to the forefront while others are brushed over. School districts in Texas are teaching that enslaved africans are workers, we HAVE to inform our children and ourselves of the ugly portions of our history ACCURATELY no matter how much it hurts.

Wonder why it isn’t acceptable to say certain things? Want to know why some things are pain points for a group of people? Study history! It’s not oversensitivity, it is understandable hurt and there is NOTHING wrong with showing honest care and compassion for your brothers and sisters. If we don’t we are definitely doomed to repeat our HORRIBLE past atrocities. With incidents like the events in Charlottesville happening and all of the decisive rhetoric being thrown around day in and day out, it feels like society is stepping backwards in time to the ideologies of 1950’s (where they never belonged to begin with).

Black history, Hispanic History, Native-American History, Asian History, and the stories of other minorities should not be electives in school curriculums, they should BE the curriculum along with every portion of world history that is taught! Ignorance breeds hate and hate breeds ignorance. Black History Month, as well as all of the other months dedicated to honoring people of color is a moment of pride after decades of pain. It is a minute to say I am perfect the way I am and I will not be othered. Millennials, let’s heal this divide. Learn about your brothers and sisters of other ethnicities and nationalities, challenge ignorant thinking and regressive policies, talk to your brothers and sisters , and most importantly…LISTEN TO EACH OTHER! Until next time plume-ers, be sure to show your neighbors love. After all, this is Valentine’s day month!.

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